Search result for Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
U.S.: AI App to Ask Medical Questions
Finding an answer to a single question can take more than eight minutes on average, according to research, even when a doctor has been trained to use an electronic health record (EHR). This is because doctors frequently search a patient's EHR for data that supports treatment decisions, but th...
MIT produces a self-driving car that gauges your selfishness on the road
Researched based at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have succeeded in generating an Artificial Intelligence system for self-driving vehicles that categorizes human drivers’ social characteristics to develop the system’s decision-making skills
...Researchers develop programmable ink to customize shoes and cars among others
Engineers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have created PhotoChromelon Ink which allows pair of shoes to change color. The latest invention is capable of changing the pattern or color of an object when the material is exposed to UV light. According to rep...